Bronx Llamando: La Quinta Bienal AIM
Bronx Llamando: La Quinta Bienal AIM muestra el trabajo de 68 artistas de carrera temprana de los ciclos de 2018 y 2019 del programa de becas AIM del Museo del Bronx. Con la curaduría conjunta de Ian Cofre (Director, Galería PS 122) y Eva Mayhabal Davis (Codirectora, Transmisor), la quinta edición de Bronx Llama considera las múltiples crisis de salud, duelo, medioambiente e identidad que definen nuestro momento contemporáneo. .
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El catálogo de la exposición en línea está aquí.

AIM Fellowship
Since 1980, the Bronx Museum’s AIM Fellowship has engaged two generations of artists by offering access to robust career management resources. Selected artists are provided insight into the mechanics of the art world through a comprehensive curriculum addressing the practicalities of sustaining a creative career. AIM Fellows gain candid and in-depth guidance from leading industry insiders on topics such as legal issues in art, effective communication strategies, building competitive funding proposals, and planning for healthy financial futures to help early career artists navigate the complexities of the contemporary art market. Since its founding, the AIM Fellowship has provided pivotal career support to a diverse roster of over 1,200 of New York’s most promising artists.
Soporte de exhibición
Bronx Llamando: La Quinta Bienal AIM es posible gracias a Christie’s, Martin Weinstein y Tereza Liszka, Debbie Rechler, Cher Lewis, Friends of AIM y SRI Fine Art Services.
El programa de becas AIM cuenta con el generoso apoyo de Jerome Foundation, Pollock-Krasner Foundation y Miranda Family Fund.
Artistas participantes
Emily Chow Bluck (b. New York, New York), Christian Breed (b. New York, New York), Keith Burns (b. New York, New York), Tiffany Joy Butler (b. Bronxville, New York), Ricardo Cabret (b. San Juan, Puerto Rico), Gabino A. Castelán (b. Puebla, Mexico), Hon Eui Chen (b. Bangkok, Thailand), Yan Cynthia Chen (b. Fuzhou, China), Gal Cohen (b. Tel Aviv, Israel), Zorica Čolić (b. Belgrade, Serbia), Mauricio Cortes Ortega (b. Saltillo, Mexico), Vanezza Cruz (b. New York, New York), Isabella Cruz-Chong (b. Austin, Texas), Adrien de Monès (b. Paris, France), Francisco Donoso (b. Quito, Ecuador), Carlos Wilfredo Encarnación (b. Fajardo, Puerto Rico), Eliza Evans (b. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Daqi Fang (b. Wuhan, China), Raphael Fenton-Spaid (b. Rome, Italy), Gina Goico (b. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde (b. Caracas, Venezuela), Kris Grey (b. Cooperstown, New York), Harley Ngai Grieco (b. State College, Pennsylvania), Jennifer Grimyser (b. Milwaukee, Wisconsin), Reiko Hamano (b. Osaka, Japan), Maggie Hazen (b. Los Angeles, California), Emily Henretta (b. Boston, Massachusetts), Kim Hoeckele (b. Atlanta, Georgia), Camille Hoffman (b. Chicago, Illinois), Jack Hogan (b. Waterford, Ireland), Lady K-Fever (a.k.a. Kathleena Howie) (b. Vancouver, Canada), Cary Hulbert (b. Stamford, Connecticut), Gyun Hur (b. Daegu, South Korea), Sareh Imani (b. Shiraz, Iran), Carlos Jiménez Cahua (b. Lima, Peru), Clare Kambhu (b. New York, New York), James Kelly (b. Lancaster, Pennsylvania), Nari Kim (b. Phyong-Chang, South Korea), Trevor King (b. Butler, Pennsylvania), Jesse Kreuzer (b. Manhasset, New York), Laura Lappi (b. Lahti, Finland), Estelle Maisonett (b. Bronx, New York), Katrina Majkut (b. Boston, Massachusetts), Gina Malek (b. Rochester, Minnesota), Lawrence Mesich (b. Nashville, Tennessee), William Miller (b. New York, New York), Levani (Levan Mindiashvili) (b. Tbilisi, Georgia), Rehan Miskci (b. Istanbul, Turkey), Rodrigo Moreira (b. Coronel Fabriciano, Brazil), Shane Morrissey (b. New York, New York), EunJung Park (b. Seoul, South Korea), Bundith Phunsombatlert (b. Bangkok, Thailand), Luciana Pinchiero (b. Rosario, Argentina), Antonio Pulgarin (b. Brooklyn, New York), Adam Liam Rose (b. Jerusalem, Israel), Alexis Ruiseco-Lombera (b. Güines, Cuba), Catalina Schliebener Muñoz (b. Santiago, Chile), Marco Scozzaro (b. Turin, Italy), Sarah G. Sharp (b. Sacramento, California), Andre Bogart Szabo (b. Washington, District of Columbia), Katherine Toukhy (b. Providence, Rhode Island), Victoria-Idongesit Udondian (b. Uyo, Nigeria), Gabriela Vainsencher (b. Buenos Aires, Argentina), Jia Wang (b. Lanzhou, China), Poyen Wang (b. Taipei, Taiwan), Sarah K. Williams (b. Richmond, Virginia), Cay Yoon (b. Seoul, South Korea), José Delgado Zúñiga (b. Ventura, California)