Screening, Discussion, and Exhibition Walkthrough

Join us to celebrate the closing weekend of Michael Richards: Are You Down? with a special documentary film screening, discussion, and exhibition walkthrough. ​This culminating event will highlight Richards’ powerful sculpture and drawing practice, his friendships, the circumstances of his passing on September 11, 2001, and his enduring influence on cultural communities in New York City, Miami, and beyond. 

A screening of the 30-minute documentary on Michael Richards titled Are You Down?, directed by Juan Matos and Dennis Scholl, will be followed by a discussion moderated by Scholl, with artists william cordova and Dread Scott and Michèle Wong, Deputy Director at the Grey Art Gallery, all of whom were friends with Richards. After the screening and discussion, exhibition curators Alex Fialho and Melissa Levin will lead a walkthrough of the retrospective with cordova. This will be a unique opportunity to learn about Michael Richards from the perspective of those who knew him, offering an intimate look into Richards’ art, life, and legacy.

  • 2–3pm, Documentary Screening and Discussion
  • 3:15pm–4pm, Exhibition Walkthrough

RSVP for free here.

Image: Michael Richards and Carolyn Swiszcz in his studio in Miami Beach, 1998Courtesy of Nina Ferre Cohen.

Jan 6, 2024      2pm - 4pm
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