The Bronx Museum Art & Artists
Since it was founded by community advocates in 1971, The Bronx Museum has been committed to programming that champions contemporary artists whose identities and/or artwork reflect the lived experiences of people residing in the South Bronx.
The Museum has also served as an incubator for artistic talent by using its institutional power to platform and uplift artists who have previously been excluded from the Western art historical narrative.

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Permanent Collection
The extraordinary scope and depth of The Bronx Museum’s permanent holdings is made possible by the generosity and support of donors over the years, who are aligned with the mission of the institution and share in its values of cultural heritage and social justice...
Image: Nikki S. Lee, 'The Hip Hop Project 23,' 2001, Fujiflex print, 22 x 29 inches, The Bronx Museum Permanent Collection, Gift of the artist

The Museum's exhibitions programs seeks to platform artists who have historically been excluded from the Western art historical narrative while attracting and engaging audiences in The Bronx and beyond.
Image: 'FUTURA 200: BREAKING OUT' exhibition installation image at The Bronx Museum. Photo by Argenis Apolinario, 2024.

AIM Program
Founded in 1980, The Bronx Museum's AIM Program (fomerly known as "Artist in Marketplace") is designed as a career accelerator for the most promising artists in NYC. It seeks to provide the professional development resources and opportunities needed to sustain and grow a creative practice in the art world.
Image: Bronx Museum AIM Fellowship alumni from the 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023 Cohorts at the opening of 'Bronx Calling: The Sixth AIM Biennial' (Part Two) at The Bronx Museum. Photo by Argenis Apolinario, 2024.